
Probiere ClanSphere aus und teste daran herum. Demo

Antworten: 9
Seite [1]

Wannabe poster

Beiträge: 32
# Thema - 20.01.2009 um 11:34 Uhr
Hallo zusammen,

ich benötige eine wenig Hilfe und zwar habe ich folgendes Problem, nach dem Update von 2008.1 auf 2008.2, 2008.2.1 hat es die Ansicht der Beiträge im Forum völlig aus dem Rahmen gehauen. Schauts euch bitte einfach mal an:

Auch wenn ich auf ein Stock Design wechsle erhalte ich das Selbe. Ich habe Clansphere auch schon neu installiert aber keine Änderung. Der Fehler tritt erst nach dem rücksichern meiner Datenbank auf, eine blanko Installation macht keine Probleme.

Hat vielleicht jemand eine Idee? Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.

Viele Grüße
Fr33z3m4n ClanSphere Team

Medal of Honor

Herkunft: Hamm
Beiträge: 11094
# Antwort: 1 - 20.01.2009 um 11:46 Uhr

Patrick "Fr33z3m4n" Jaskulski

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Wenn Du ein Schiff bauen willst, so trommle nicht Männer zusammen, um Holz zu beschaffen, Aufgaben zu verteilen, sondern lehre die Männer die Sehnsucht nach dem endlosen weiten Meer.


Wannabe poster

Beiträge: 32
# Antwort: 2 - 20.01.2009 um 14:06 Uhr
Ah, Danke darauf hätte ich auch kommen können!

Debug Meldung mehr... +-
Warning: cs_html_vote - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead
Warning: cs_html_span - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead
Warning: cs_html_div - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead
Warning: cs_html_table - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead
Warning: cs_html_roco - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead

SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere'
SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_lang, access_id, users_limit, users_view, users_timezone, users_dstime, users_ajax, users_tpl, users_pwd FROM cs_users WHERE users_id = '1' AND users_pwd = 'e8f5bafb829bfdefbb781de9964147032422b136' LIMIT 0,1
UPDATE cs_users SET users_laston='1232452800' WHERE users_id='1'
SELECT * FROM cs_access WHERE access_id = 5 LIMIT 0,1
SELECT count_id, count_time FROM cs_count WHERE count_ip = '' ORDER BY count_id DESC LIMIT 0,1
UPDATE cs_count SET count_time='1232452800', count_location='news/recent' WHERE count_id='14363'
SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'counter'
SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'fckeditor'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_news WHERE news_publishs_at != 0 AND news_public = 0 AND news_publishs_at < 1232452800
SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'news'
SELECT * FROM cs_categories WHERE categories_mod = 'news' AND categories_access <= 5 ORDER BY categories_name
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT news_id) FROM cs_news nws INNER JOIN cs_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public > 0 AND cat.categories_access <= 5
SELECT nws.news_id AS news_id, nws.news_headline AS news_headline, nws.news_time AS news_time, nws.news_text AS news_text, nws.news_pictures AS news_pictures, nws.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, usr.users_active AS users_active, nws.categories_id AS categories_id, cat.categories_picture AS categories_picture, cat.categories_name AS categories_name, nws.news_mirror AS news_mirror, nws.news_mirror_name AS news_mirror_name, nws.news_readmore AS news_readmore, nws.news_readmore_active AS news_readmore_active FROM cs_news nws INNER JOIN cs_users usr ON nws.users_id = usr.users_id INNER JOIN cs_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public > 0 AND cat.categories_access <= 5 ORDER BY news_attached DESC, news_time DESC LIMIT 0,8
SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'abcode'
SELECT abcode_func, abcode_pattern, abcode_result, abcode_file FROM cs_abcode
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 139
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 138
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 137
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 136
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 135
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 134
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 133
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 132
SELECT metatags_id, metatags_name, metatags_content FROM cs_metatags WHERE metatags_active = 1 ORDER BY metatags_name
SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country, users_active, users_invisible FROM cs_users WHERE users_laston > 1232452500 AND users_active = '1' AND users_invisible = '0' ORDER BY users_laston DESC LIMIT 0,8
SELECT banners_picture, banners_alt, banners_url, categories_id FROM cs_banners ORDER BY banners_order ASC
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_messages WHERE users_id_to = '1' AND messages_show_receiver = 1 AND messages_view = 0
SELECT war.games_id AS games_id, war.wars_date AS wars_date, sqd.squads_name AS squads_name, cln.clans_name AS clans_name, war.wars_id AS wars_id FROM cs_wars war INNER JOIN cs_squads sqd ON war.squads_id = sqd.squads_id INNER JOIN cs_clans cln ON war.clans_id = cln.clans_id WHERE war.wars_date > '1232452800' AND war.wars_status = 'upcoming' ORDER BY war.wars_date ASC LIMIT 0,4
SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'wars'
SELECT war.games_id AS games_id, cln.clans_short AS clans_short, war.wars_score1 AS wars_score1, war.wars_score2 AS wars_score2, war.wars_id AS wars_id FROM cs_wars war INNER JOIN cs_categories cat ON war.categories_id = cat.categories_id INNER JOIN cs_clans cln ON war.clans_id = cln.clans_id WHERE war.wars_status = 'played' ORDER BY wars_date DESC LIMIT 0,4
SELECT votes_id, votes_question, votes_election, votes_several FROM cs_votes WHERE votes_access <= '5' AND votes_start <= '1232452800' AND votes_end >= '1232452800' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1
SELECT options_name, options_value FROM cs_options WHERE options_mod = 'events'
SELECT users_age FROM cs_users WHERE users_age LIKE '%-01-%'
SELECT events_time FROM cs_events WHERE events_time >= '1230768000' AND events_time <= '1233446399'
SELECT wars_date AS events_time FROM cs_wars WHERE wars_date >= '1230768000' AND wars_date <= '1233446399'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_count WHERE count_time > '1232452500'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_count WHERE count_time > '1232402400'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cs_count WHERE count_time > '1230760800'
SELECT count_num FROM cs_count_archiv

Jetzt wäre ich froh wenn mir jemand sagen könnte wie ich das beheben kann? Bitte für Dumme, bin leider noch zu 90% lediglich Anwender. Danke.

duRiel ClanSphere Team


Herkunft: Cambridge
Beiträge: 7300
# Antwort: 3 - 20.01.2009 um 15:00 Uhr
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getuserstatus() in /web/1/000/022/407/46891/htdocs/legion-thor/cs/mods/board/thread.php on line 762


Wannabe poster

Beiträge: 32
# Antwort: 4 - 21.01.2009 um 08:24 Uhr
Ok, in der betreffenden Zeile steht das:

echo getUserStatus($cs_thread['users_laston'],1);

Sorry wenn ich etwas begriffsstutzig bin, aber da ich php nicht beherrsche sagt mir der code leider nichts. :-(
Habe sie mit der Standard Datei verglichen und dort sind die beiden Zeilen identisch.

Zuletzt editiert von Hellhound am 21.01.2009 um 08:29 Uhr (2x Editiert)


Beiträge: 2006
# Antwort: 5 - 21.01.2009 um 08:59 Uhr
auch aus der 2008.2.1 ?
bzw. ist die überhaupt vorhanden?

Weil aktuell gibt es diese Funktion nicht mehr. Ist jetzt cs_userstatus() und Teil des Cores.

Manchmal hast du fay und machmal pain.
- hajo


Wannabe poster

Beiträge: 32
# Antwort: 6 - 21.01.2009 um 10:09 Uhr
Ja die functions.php ist vorhanden. Genaugenommen habe ich folgendes gemacht. Nach dem Update hatte ich da oben beschriebene Problem mit der Ansicht der Beiträge im Forum.
Also habe ich mir gedacht, gut ist irgendwas schief gegangen, installierst du einfach neu. Also habe ich nun eine frische CS2008.2.1 Installation in die ich meine DB-Sicherung eingespielt habe.

Ich habe nun erneut die beiden Paches ausgeführt und folgendes Ergebnins:

2008.1 - 2008.2
mehr... +-
UPDATE {pre}_options SET options_value = '2008.2' WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'version_name' # 1
UPDATE {pre}_options SET options_value = '2008-08-15' WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'version_date' # 1
UPDATE {pre}_options SET options_value = '32' WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'version_id' # 1
REPLACE INTO {pre}_options (options_mod, options_name, options_value) VALUES ('comments', 'show_avatar', '0') # cs_sql_query - Duplicate entry 'comments-show_avatar' for key 2
REPLACE INTO {pre}_options (options_mod, options_name, options_value) VALUES ('news', 'abcode', '1,1,1,0,0')
# cs_sql_query - Duplicate entry 'news-abcode' for key 2
ALTER TABLE {pre}_rules ADD rules_order2 varchar(5) NOT NULL default '' # 34
UPDATE {pre}_rules SET rules_order2 = rules_order # 34
ALTER TABLE {pre}_rules DROP rules_order # 34
ALTER TABLE {pre}_rules ADD rules_order int(5) NOT NULL default '0' # 34
UPDATE {pre}_rules SET rules_order = rules_order2 # 34
ALTER TABLE {pre}_rules DROP rules_order2 # 34
UPDATE {pre}_gbook SET gbook_lock = '1' WHERE gbook_lock = '0' # 0
ALTER TABLE {pre}_access ADD access_templates INT( 2 ) NOT NULL # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'access_templates'
UPDATE {pre}_access SET access_templates = '1' WHERE access_id = '1' # 0
UPDATE {pre}_access SET access_templates = '2' WHERE access_id = '2' # 0
UPDATE {pre}_access SET access_templates = '3' WHERE access_id = '3' # 0
UPDATE {pre}_access SET access_templates = '4' WHERE access_id = '4' # 0
UPDATE {pre}_access SET access_templates = '5' WHERE access_id = '5' # 0
ALTER TABLE {pre}_users ADD users_tpl varchar(80) NOT NULL default '' # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'users_tpl'
ALTER TABLE {pre}_users ADD users_invisible int(2) NOT NULL default '0' # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'users_invisible'
ALTER TABLE {pre}_news ADD news_readmore text after news_headline # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'news_readmore'
ALTER TABLE {pre}_news ADD news_readmore_active int(2) NOT NULL default '0' after news_text # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'news_readmore_active'
ALTER TABLE {pre}_news ADD news_mirror text # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'news_mirror'
ALTER TABLE {pre}_news ADD news_mirror_name text # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'news_mirror_name'

2008.2 - 2008.2.1
mehr... +-
UPDATE {pre}_options SET options_value = '2008.2.1' WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'version_name' # 0
UPDATE {pre}_options SET options_value = '2008-09-20' WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'version_date' # 0
UPDATE {pre}_options SET options_value = '34' WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' AND options_name = 'version_id' # 0
REPLACE INTO {pre}_options (options_mod, options_name, options_value) VALUES ('clansphere', 'ajax', '0') # cs_sql_query - Duplicate entry 'clansphere-ajax' for key 2
REPLACE INTO {pre}_options (options_mod, options_name, options_value) VALUES ('clansphere', 'ajax_reload', '0') # cs_sql_query - Duplicate entry 'clansphere-ajax_reload' for key 2
REPLACE INTO {pre}_options (options_mod, options_name, options_value) VALUES ('clansphere', 'sec_news','0') # cs_sql_query - Duplicate entry 'clansphere-sec_news' for key 2
ALTER TABLE {pre}_users ADD users_ajax int(1) NOT NULL default '0' # cs_sql_query - Duplicate column name 'users_ajax'


Wannabe poster

Beiträge: 32
# Antwort: 7 - 26.01.2009 um 12:28 Uhr
Jemand vielleicht noch einen Tip für mich?


Wannabe poster

Beiträge: 32
# Antwort: 8 - 05.02.2009 um 11:15 Uhr
Problem gelöst. Ich habe auf einer Blanco Installation nacheinander alle Tabellen eingespielt und so herausgefunden das es an der cs_options Tabelle gelegen hat. Welcher Wert es genau war kann ich jedoch nicht sagen.



Beiträge: 1192
# Antwort: 9 - 05.02.2009 um 14:02 Uhr
Ach schalt mal deine sprache im CSP um auf 'UTF-8' den deine ö,ä,ü gehen nicht.

Antworten: 9
Seite [1]

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