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Antworten: 8
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Rock the board

Beiträge: 67
# Thema - 12.04.2009 um 12:50 Uhr
1) Bets system - Fay-Pain sayed, he will make this in this month ... (but who know's ...)

2) Latest comments - Fay-Pain too sayed, he will make this, but ...

3) Vote system in news

4) Tournament Tree - it's very important for Tourney's, because already player's doesn't know, vs who will play later ... They must w8 for end round. Tournament Tree will be clearly for all.

5) Individual Player's stats in clanwars - already we have "group's" stats - win/lose/draw, we don't have f.e. Player A had 6 frags or 2 points, Player B had 0 points etc. For CS good will be number of frags, for strategy f.e WC3 - good will be only points.

6) Points system - already it is on, but i know, u wouldn't give this to public ($$$ : ( ... )

7) Ladder system - smth like


Beiträge: 1
# Antwort: 1 - 14.04.2009 um 14:11 Uhr
me like that wishlist

hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 2 - 14.04.2009 um 14:41 Uhr
well, big wishes vs. little development team. it will take some time. post your wishes inside trac please, too.

if anyone wants to help please contact us by mail or priv. message, thanks!

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here

Zuletzt editiert von hajo ClanSphere Team am 14.04.2009 um 14:42 Uhr (1x Editiert)

Try to beat me

Beiträge: 188
# Antwort: 3 - 14.04.2009 um 17:50 Uhr
What do you mean with point 2 and 3 ?
Any more details for your wishes?

2) short list of the latest comments like latests posts ?
3) any preview?

Der Vorteil der Klugheit besteht darin, daß man sich dumm stellen kann. Das Gegenteil ist schon schwieriger.



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 4 - 14.04.2009 um 18:15 Uhr
I'll make latest comments!

I think you want it as a navlist? Like nextwars, last news and last topics?

I also thought about the tournament tree (not finished with thinking now). It is very difficult to do, because we have winner and losser braket (that are two tournament trees or more) and we have no limitation in the number of players and teams! But I'll look what I can do!


Rock the board

Beiträge: 67
# Antwort: 5 - 14.04.2009 um 18:31 Uhr
2) Yeah i want latest comments @ smth like last news, nextwars, wars, topics etc

3) f.e. in each news, u can give some rate (f.e. from 1 to 10). This option will be under text of news and each news will have some star's (f.e. 5 stars - 10 rate, 4,5 stars - 9 rate, 4 stars - 8 rate etc)



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 6 - 14.04.2009 um 18:35 Uhr

Zuletzt editiert von GaHero am 15.04.2009 um 17:37 Uhr (2x Editiert)

Rock the board

Beiträge: 67
# Antwort: 7 - 15.04.2009 um 14:00 Uhr
hmm, this is last events, what about last comments :< ?



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 8 - 15.04.2009 um 17:38 Uhr
Ahh shit... It was comments! Sry...

Ok, I will have a look again at this...

I'm an idiot, there is a navnext in events and I make another one.

Here ist is:

navlist.php +-

// ClanSphere 2009 -
// $Id:

$select = 'comments_id, users_id, comments_time, comments_fid, comments_mod';
$where = "comments_mod != 'board'";
$order = 'comments_time DESC';
$data['comments'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,'comments',$select,$where,$order,0,5);

if(empty($data['comments'])) {
echo $cs_lang['no_data'];
else {
$run = 0;
foreach ($data['comments'] AS $comments) {
$cs_user = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,'users','users_nick, users_active, users_delete',"users_id = '" . $data['comments'][$run]['users_id'] . "'");
$data['comments'][$run]['comments_user'] = cs_user($data['comments'][$run]['users_id'],$cs_user['u sers_nick'],$cs_user['users_active'], $cs_user['users_delete']);
$data['comments'][$run]['comments_time'] = cs_date('unix',$comments['comments_time'],1,1,0);
$data['comments'][$run]['comments_url'] = cs_url($data['comments'][$run]['comments_mod'],'view' ,'id=' . $comments['comments_fid']);
$data['comments'][$run]['comments_mod'] = cs_secure(ucfirst($data['comments'][$run]['comments_mod']));

echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__,$data,'comments','navlist');

navlist.tpl +-

<br />
{comments:comments_user} - <a href="{comments:comments_url}">Comment in {comments:comments_mod}</a>
<br />

It will be displayed like this:
GaHero - Comment in News

GaHero: Link to User
Comment in [Mod]: Link to the news/file/war/..., which contain the comment

I cant display a short version of the comment text, because there are maybe lists, images and so on and these cant be displayed in the navlist!

Zuletzt editiert von GaHero am 15.04.2009 um 18:16 Uhr (3x Editiert)
Antworten: 8
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