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Jersey Joe


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# Thema - 10.02.2011 um 00:55 Uhr
Ok when I go to add a new game to the games list it makes me upload an Icon..

I want to change this option a bit...

1.. I want to change the filetype allowed
2.. I want to increase the size allowed from 30x30 to 100x100

Where and how do I change these..


Beiträge: 1841
# Antwort: 1 - 10.02.2011 um 02:06 Uhr
1. u have to modify the create.php in mods/games/
I guess it should be this line:
1. / 2. / ... 
 $img_filetypes = array('image/gif' => 'gif');

2: /index.php?mod=games&action=options

Greetz Swifter

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